Representation Agreement Bc Template

Representation Agreement BC Template: What You Need to Know

A representation agreement is a legal document that allows a designated individual to act as a representative for another person who is unable to make their own decisions. In British Columbia (BC), a representation agreement template is available to help individuals create their own representation agreement.

Why Do You Need a Representation Agreement?

There are many reasons why someone may need a representation agreement, including:

– Mental or physical incapacity: If someone becomes mentally or physically incapacitated, they may not be able to make decisions for themselves. A representation agreement can ensure that a designated individual is legally authorized to represent them in important matters.

– End of life decisions: A representation agreement can also be used to outline end-of-life care preferences, such as whether or not to use life-sustaining measures.

– Religious or cultural beliefs: A representation agreement can also be used to ensure that decisions are made in accordance with an individual`s religious or cultural beliefs.

What is the Representation Agreement BC Template?

The Representation Agreement Act in BC allows individuals to create their own representation agreement using a template provided by the government. The template is comprehensive and covers a variety of areas, including personal care, health care, and legal and financial matters.

The template includes several important features, such as:

– The ability to appoint one or more representatives: This ensures that if one representative is unable to fulfill their duties, another representative can step in.

– A list of specific powers and duties for the representative: This ensures that the representative knows exactly what they are responsible for and what decisions they can make on behalf of the individual.

– The ability to specify when the representation agreement comes into effect: This can be useful if the individual only wants the representation agreement to come into effect in the event of a specific situation, such as mental or physical incapacity.

How to Use the Representation Agreement BC Template

To use the representation agreement template in BC, follow these steps:

1. Review the template: The template is available online through the BC government`s website. Review the template before proceeding to ensure that it covers all the areas that are relevant to your situation.

2. Choose a representative: Choose a representative who you trust and who is willing to take on the responsibilities outlined in the representation agreement.

3. Customize the template: Customize the template by filling in your personal information and any specific instructions or preferences you may have.

4. Sign the representation agreement: The representation agreement must be signed by you, the representative, and two witnesses.

5. Store the representation agreement safely: Make sure to store the representation agreement in a safe and accessible location.


A representation agreement can provide peace of mind and ensure that important decisions are made in accordance with your wishes. Using the representation agreement BC template can make the process easier and more accessible for individuals who need to create their own representation agreement. With the proper legal documentation in place, you can rest assured that your affairs will be taken care of according to your wishes.
